It is estimated that insurance fraud costs our country more than $30 billion per year. Raised premiums due to the result of insurance fraud cost the average family roughly $400-$700 per year, and certainly much more than that to the average trucker and trucking company.
As a leader in commercial transportation insurance, Canal Insurance Company is dedicated to fighting the insurance fraud problem and protecting its customers from increased costs due to fraudulent and non-meritorious claims. Canal is committed to an aggressive prevention, detection, and investigation plan to provide the highest quality service to our customers. Canal has a dedicated staff of experienced investigators whose primary role is identifying suspected fraud and taking action when fraud is present.
Canal’s Special Investigation Unit (SIU) maintains primary responsibility for detecting, investigating and assisting in the prosecution of those who attempt to defraud the insurance company or attempt to obtain benefits to which they are not rightfully entitled.
Insurance fraud crimes range from individual attempts at “making a few extra bucks” to fully orchestrated, organized fraud schemes involving dozens, sometimes even hundreds of people. The common motivator is simply money, especially in hard economic times. Fraud presents itself in a variety of ways:
Misrepresenting or omitting information on an application to obtain lower insurance premiums
Fabricating, inflating or exaggerating bills for vehicle repairs, towing, medical services, etc.
Presenting bills for work or services never actually rendered
Intentional burning or falsely reporting a vehicle theft to profit from insurance
Staging accidents or falsifying damages
Canal’s SIU Combats Commercial Insurance Fraud By:

Reviewing suspicious claims to determine if fraud exists
Training claims adjusters on spotting hidden “red flags” and other elements that might indicate that fraud is being committed
Conducting thorough investigations to help ensure that only meritorious claims are honored
Cooperating and working closely with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to help put a stop to a variety of fraud schemes
Insurance fraud is the second most costly white-collar crime in the United States behind tax evasion. While the nation’s improved fraud-fighting efforts are making an impact, we need your help in the fight against this serious crime.
If you notice an unexplained discrepancy, or if you hear of or suspect an act of insurance fraud, there are actions you can take:
Contact Canal’s Special Investigation Unit at 1-800-340-2650 to make a complaint of alleged fraud or email us at The SIU will take appropriate steps to honor any requests for anonymity.
Contact the Insurer: Many other insurance companies have internal Special Investigation Units (SIUs) to investigate potentially fraudulent insurance claims against them. Some of these companies also provide hotlines that allow callers to report insurance fraud anonymously.
Most states have Fraud Bureaus dedicated to fighting insurance fraud through their Department of Insurance and welcome reports of suspected insurance fraud. Click on a State below for more information.